ISO50001 Ireland 2021 - Virtual Conference taking place on 24th February - speakers will include:

Barry Cox - Standards Officer - NSAI
Barry Cox has a Bachelor in Electronic Engineering from Dublin City University. He has been a Standard Officer with NSAI since 2019 but has worked with NSAI since 2008 and has over a decade of experience in conformity assessments and enforcement of National and European legislation with regards to measuring instruments. This led to his involvement in a variety of successful prosecutions.
Barry manages a portfolio of manufacturing committees and participates in regular training courses and events to keep his knowledge up to date. He is also tasked with promoting Irish participation in the development of International (ISO) and European (EN) Standards in emerging technologies such as Additive Manufacturing, Industrial Robots, Energy Management & Energy Savings and Nanotechnology.
A strong believer in teamwork from his years in the Reserve Defence Forces, he is inspired by the motto "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." --Henry Ford.

Barry O'Donovan - Resource Efficiency Manager - ABP Food Group
Barry has worked with ABP Food Group since 2013 where he has been directly involved in all aspects of the company's environmental and sustainability objectives and strategies.
This work has helped ABP Food Group achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions, water usage, energy consumption and waste generation. As a result, I have been directly involved with the following standards, certificates and organisations:
- Science Based Targets
- European Water Partnership and the EWS standard at 9 facilities
- Enterprise Ireland
- Community of Practice in water management
- EPA, Ireland
- ISO 50001 certification at 8 facilities
- National Standards Authority of Ireland
- Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
- Large Industrial Energy network
- Origin Green
- Carbon Trust, with four separate standards across all of the Group’s facilities
- Courtauld 2025
- Green Business Ireland
- National Biodiversity Data Centre Ireland

Cillian Casey - Head of Operations & Customer Success - CIM
Cillian is Head of Operations and Customer Success for CIM. CIM is a building analytics software company that empowers organisations to operate their buildings as efficiently and sustainably as possible, giving data insights needed to optimise energy consumption and slash carbon emissions. CIM’s building analytics technology makes it easy to improve and track operational performance across facilities
Prior to joining CIM, Cillian spent 8 years in Australia working for an energy optimisation and system integration organisation with a focus in the commercial, retail, health, and industrial sectors. Cillian has extensive knowledge in building management controls systems, HVAC systems, mechanical system maintenance and energy management.

Conor Molloy – AEMS – Event Chair
Conor Molloy, is an independent energy advisor with an MSc in Energy Management and Renewable energy from University of Ulster, he is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Measurement & Verification professional (CMVP) and trainer for ISO50001.
Conor is a founding member of Energy Management Professionals Ireland (EMPI), and has been accepted as a member of the Association of Energy Engineers, CILT, FTAI, IMCA and EVO.
In recent times, he has trained ESOS Lead Assessors in Transport Energy Auditing at the request of the UK Government’s Environment Agency, led the publication of EN 16247-4 Europe’s transport energy audit standard and contributed to ISO50004.
Since 2005, Conor’s day job has been helping business save fuel and manage their energy usage for profit and reduced emissions.

Deann Desai - Project Manager - Georgia Institute of Technology
Deann Desai is a project manager for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute. She is actively involved in ISO committees on a variety of topics. She provides implementation assistance and training to companies pursuing ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 50001. Desai has experience in energy management, environmental compliance, policies, and regulatory affairs; quality systems; statistical process control; experimental design; and analytical and scientific techniques. She has assisted over 175 companies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 50001 implementations.
Desai is certified by RABQSA (aka Exemplar Global) as a Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor, an Energy Management Lead Auditor, and an Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor. She is a Superior Energy Performance certified Energy Management System Practitioner (CP EnMS), and a Superior Energy Performance Certified Lead Auditor (SEP LA).
Desai has M.S. degrees in Statistics and Polymers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Georgia. She is a member of the American Society for Quality, American Management Association, and the American Chemical Society. She serves on a multitude of ISO standards committees and chairs including the JTCG.Specialties: Structured Energy Management (ISO 50001 Specialist), Measurement and verification of energy savings, Energy Training

Ian Boylan - Association of Energy Engineers
Specialties: Structured Energy Management (ISO 50001 Specialist), Measurement and verification of energy savings, Energy Training
– Auditing for effectiveness – based on evidence not opinion – where do you start?
– Verification of savings & verification of the action plan.
– Should the non-meeting of an EnPI be a non – conformance or not?
– How do you establish the base line, and do I need to adjust the base line in response to business changes?
– Auditor competence and independence.

Ian O'Connor - Energy Manager - SISK Group
Since joining Sisk as Group Energy Manager Ian has overseen the business becoming recognised as an international leader in construction sustainability. This has been recognised through awards including the Green Business of the Year and Green Contractor of the Year. Ian has also been awarded the UK Energy Manager of the Year award by the Energy Management Association.
Ian is a keen proponent of pushing the boundaries of the innovative technologies such as data mining, battery technology and alternative fuels and this has led to the development of sustainable solutions that are pioneering in the global construction industry.
He is experienced at developing medium and long term strategies with SMART targets and action plans for successful implementation. His approach has been to harness wide ranging expertise from key partners and stakeholders to build consensus and take a collaborative approach to achieving objectives.

James Fannin - Energy Manager - AIB Group
James has been part of the AIB Energy & Environmental team since 2019, having taken the role of Energy Manager. James had previously held an Operations role with the AIB Engineering Services team. James has successfully helped AIB to maintain its ISO50001 certification including the transition to the new 2018 standard. James has developed an excellent knowledge of the SEUs throughout the AIB estate and leverages this to deliver energy projects with key stakeholders and partners.
AIB were the winners of the Green Awards - Large Green Organisation in 2020 which results from the increasing commitment to Sustainability by AIB. Prior to AIB, James has worked as an engineering consultant, with experience across a variety of sectors.

Liam McLaughlin - CEO - GEN Europe and Lead International Expert on Energy Management
Systems with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
Liam Mc Laughlin has been working on energy management systems in Ireland since 2005 and internationally since 2011 through UNIDO's pilot EnMS project in South Africa. He studied Marine Engineering initially and later achieved a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA). The first decade of Liam's career was spent as a sea-going
marine engineer. This was followed by over a decade as an energy manager in the pharmaceutical industry.
Since 2001, he has worked as an independent international energy efficiency and energy management consultant.
He is the UNIDO expert on the ISO Technical Committee that developed ISO 50001 and its supporting standards. He has been the lead author on a number of Guidebooks on implementing energy management systems published by ISO and UNIDO. He has lectured over a number of years at the University of Geneva on the topic of energy management systems. He has worked with UNIDO in South Africa, Malaysia, Moldova, Russia, North Macedonia, Georgia, Iran and Ukraine.
Through his role as CEO of GEN Europe (, he has developed training programs on behalf of ISO that have been delivered to energy experts in over 100 countries globally. He is currently the Course Director for the European Defence Agency supporting the implementation of energy management systems throughout the defence forces of the EU. He is also currently leading an ISO 5001 implementation project for the water sector in Jordan.
He has spoken at energy conferences in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas about energy management, energy efficiency and energy performance measurement. He has won national and international awards for energy
management success and services. A number of clients of GEN Europe have won international awards for exemplary implementation of ISO 50001.
Liam firmly believes that energy conservation and energy efficiency should be central to climate action policy and to organisations' efforts to reduce energy cost and environmental impact. Energy efficiency is the fastest, lowest cost and lowest risk approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in most organisations.

Michael Dodd - An Garda Síochána
Michael is the Financial Accountant and energy manager for An Garda Síochána.
Michael holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree from Stirling University and is a Chartered Member of the Institute of management Accountants
Prior to joining An Garda Síochána in 2000, Michael spent 17 years in the private sector manufacturing, retail and warehousing in Scotland and England where he held a number of financial positions.
An Garda Síochána became the first police force in the world to achieve ISO50001 for Garda Headquarters and its fleet in April 2016 and subsequently Garda College in December 2016.

Pat Mehigan - Energy Manager - University College Cork
Pat Mehigan MSc, BEng, was appointed the UCC Energy Manager in 2016 Patand is tasked with working with staff and students to deliver on the Universities sustainability strategy which is framed around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Through UCC’s established ISO 50001 energy management system Pat works with the significant energy users across the estate to manage their energy use through operational control, building awareness campaigns and implementing energy efficiency upgrades. As part of the Building & Estates Office Pat also works on the award winning Green Campus program, which is a student led, research informed and practice focused approach to embedding sustainability.

Paul Moloney - Energy Manager - Veolia Ireland
Manager of Hubgrade Smart Energy Management Centre and Energy Risk Services. Identification, analysis, design, costing and project management of multiple simultaneous energy projects and services. Predominately operating across the industrial and commercial sectors, these projects vary in complexity from single technology installations to long term, multi-tiered performance contracts.

Peter Moran - Energy Manager - AbbVie
Peter is a results-oriented engineering, management and energy management professional with extensive experience in various industry sectors. Best described as proactive, talented and committed, and with a proven track record of achievement. Peter fulfils a number of roles for AbbVie where he is the Energy Management Leader and Sustainability Lead at AbbVie MHR and also provides AbbVie Global Energy Support for Irish and European manufacturing sites. Peter holds an MBA, a Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a number of energy management qualifications including Certified Energy Manager (CEM). Peters contributions in energy management were recognised by his peers when he was awarded the 2017 Energy Manager of the Year Award for Western Europe by the AEE.

Ronan Coffey - Global Energy Manager - Boston Scientific
With Boston Scientific for 18 years: 15 in Facilities Engineering at the Galway manufacturing plant, Energy Manager since 2018 in the Global Real Estate function.
I lead the GEMS (Global Energy Management System) effort, working towards BSC’s goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2030 in our manufacturing operations. I am responsible for driving energy performance improvement across BSC’s global manufacturing network, as well as decarbonising our energy streams.
Building Services Engineering Degree, Higher Diploma in Environmental Engineering, Research Masters in Energy Management, Certified Energy Manager

Tracy O'Rourke - CEO - Vivid Edge
At Vivid Edge we're helping solve climate change through energy efficiency. We help large organisations do more for climate change with our 'energy efficiency as a service' model. The idea is simple. Behind it lies a pioneering risk model built on our risk and energy efficiency expertise.
We provide capital for energy efficient equipment and ongoing maintenance (heating, cooling, lighting, control systems).
Our customers obtain cutting edge equipment, greater energy efficiency, increased operational resilience and reduced emissions. Furthermore our customers simply pay a monthly service fee that is often lower than the immediate energy savings.
Transform your approach to implementing energy efficiency projects through working with us.
Our leadership team has a track record in executing large global transactions in multinational organisations and has numerous qualifications and awards in energy efficiency. We have facilities, operations, finance and commercial executive level line management experience in multinational organisations.

Vicki Brady – Key Account Manager – Dublin Airport Authority
Vicki is a qualified engineer with a MSc in Energy Management. Since joining daa’s energy team Vicki has been instrumental in helping the organisation maintain its ISO50001 certification and successfully transition to the new 2018 standard. A key part of this transition was around the tracking and management of energy performance using the online metering system to develop SEUs to monitor and control energy consumption. In her role as key account manager with the energy team she is also responsible for the management of the energy monitoring system, project development, stakeholder engagement, billing of concessionaries and monthly reporting. Prior to daa Vicki has worked on the implementation of ISO50001 for various organisations in her role as energy engineer for facility management and utility companies.